La beauty routine che illumina la pelle

The beauty routine that illuminates the skin

Facial skin can lose its natural radiance over time. The causes of a dull complexion can be many, such as a poor diet, stress, external agents, dehydration or excessive exposure to the sun.  

With a healthy lifestyle and a specific beauty routine, the skin's natural radiance can be restored.

Discover our tips for a healthy, radiant face: 

1. Cleansing

The first step to glowing skin is deep cleansing. Often, during the day, the skin accumulates impurities, sebum and make-up residues which, if not removed properly, can hinder the natural radiance of the face.

It is important, therefore, to choose a gentle cleanser that respects the skin's natural pH, without the risk of drying it out. 



2. Exfoliation 

Exfoliation is essential to remove the most superficial layer of the skin, formed by dead cells and make-up residues. This promotes tissue oxygenation and cell renewal. 

Exfoliating the face once or twice a week will counteract dull complexion and regenerate the skin. 

3. Constant hydration 

Well-hydrated skin looks healthy and radiant.

It is important to choose specific products with moisturising ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, which helps retain water in the skin.

For deep hydration, it is recommended to use a serum combined with a cream with moisturising properties, both in the morning and in the evening. 



4. Sun protection: not only in summer

Unprotected exposure to UVA and UVB rays damages the DNA of skin cells and also causes premature skin ageing. This is why it is important to use products with the correct protection factor for your skin before exposing yourself to the sun.

Discover SkinLabo's Radiance Line, designed to give radiance to facial skin, counteracting dull complexion. 


In addition to a proper skincare routine, it is important to remember that beauty starts from the inside, which is why a balanced diet, proper rest and good hydration are essential for healthy skin and a radiant complexion. 

What makes the difference, therefore, are foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruit and vegetables, but also water: drinking at least 2 litres a day is in fact a great way to keep the skin hydrated and encourage the elimination of toxins.

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